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Fall & Winter Seasons

Due to the bad weather, I strongly advise you to call the facility where you are assigned to work 3 hours before the 1st game for closure information.


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About Northwest Indoor Soccer Referees

Welcome to NWISR

Northwest Indoor Soccer Referees provides referee services for leagues, tournaments, and sports arenas. This includes referee assignment and coordination, payroll management, and referee training.

NWISR are contracted to supply referees to all facility games for more details please click on Referees.

Referees enjoy assignment flexibility based on their own availabilities all year long.

Referees undergo continuous training in order to service the game and try to keep teams and players happy.


Contact Eric

NWISR is operated by Eric Beck, the United States Adult Soccer Association Region IV Referee Coordinator. Eric Beck is known for providing referee assignment services to facilities, leagues and tournaments as well as running the Metro PDX 7v7 soccer league. He has been involved in the soccer arena for over 50 years and was inducted into the USASA National Soccer Hall-of-Fame in 2010 and recieved the USASA Lifetime Acheivement Award in 2016.

Eric is available by phone between the hours of 8AM and 4PM at 503-662-8182. Correspondence may be mailed to 2169 SE Scott Avenue, Gresham OR 97080

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Coming soon...

Information for Referees

Services for Facilities, Leagues, and Tournaments

Information and resources regarding our services for facilities is currently under development. This will include detailed information about NWISR services as well as information for existing customers.

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